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Le chemin de la sagesse et de la révélation
Les perspectives célestes et occultes

(Astrologie Archétypale et Psychologique et Tarot) pour les particuliers. Grâce à des informations astrologiques et tarotiques
Pour les personnes ouvertes d'esprit qui recherchent plus de clarté dans leur vie en ce qui concerne le but de la vie, les blocages psychologiques, la carrière et les choix romantiques.

Image by Aldebaran S

Chemin vers le ciel

(astrologie archétypale et psychologique)


Chemin de l'intuition

(Tarot reading)

Image by Edz Norton
Image by Greg Rakozy


Chemin de l'âme et du ciel

(astrotarot readings)


Miss Melina

Michelangelo did my astrology chart. He was very detailed and he was right on when telling me about my personality. Michelangelo explained how my personality impacts the decisions I make . He was able to tell me which which parts of myself need to further develop in the future. Michelangelo was very pleasant and easy to talk to. I highly recommend him.

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