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New Moon in Leo : Sharing The Flame That Burns Within Our Hearts


Every lunar cycle is built upon the previous one. During the month of July, the emphasis on our inner landscape, our homes, our connection to the past and our roots was emphasized.

Today, the New Moon in Leo opens a new chapter. We will be asked to bring out what we have been containing within.

Opening our heart to others, sharing the knowledge we have, being open to new thoughts and ideas while staying grounded and realistic will be the way to handle the situations in our lives during the next month.

Woman breathing out fire.
The New Moon in Leo asked us to open our hearts and express our authentic selves. Photo credit : Canstock

The New Moon will require stabilization and consolidation from persons born between the following dates :

  • Taurus : April 21st - 30th

  • Leo : July 23rd - August 1st

  • Scorpio : October 24th - November 2nd

  • Aquarius : January 21st - 29th

It can also support the achievement of certain goals and visions set by the following persons :

  • Aries : March 21st - 30th

  • Gemini : May 22nd - 31st

  • Libra : September 23rd - October 3rd

  • Sagittarius : November 23rd - December 2nd

Additionally, Venus' position in Cancer signals that issues of property and finances, partnerships and relationships will be imposed upon the lives of Capricorns, Cancers, Aries and Libras, while feeling more pleasant for Taureans and Virgos. The Goddess of Love wants us to add a touch of beauty and harmony into our homes and within our closest relationships.


We need to be careful not to unintentionally hurt the feelings of those we care about by taking rash initiatives for the sole purpose of asserting ourselves and expressing our need for independence.

It is also during THIS month (August 1st) that the celestial grouping of Mars-Uranus- North Node will take place as mentioned in a previous post.

This celestial cluster in the sign of Taurus will add an unpredictable and dynamic twist to the main themes of the New Moon.

The visions we have of our future require new alliances and resources to manifest them in the world and bring us the material security we desire.

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